Do you need to try something different?


try something different
Do you ever find yourself stuck in a rut, or find that your ususal self help tools just aren’t working for you?

What do you do then?

Some people just keep on keeping on, but if you aren’t gettting the results you want it can wear you out and be depresing. Mind you, giving up may not be the answer either.

Here are my suggestions.

1. Refine your approach

For example, if it’s EFT tapping that you’re doing you might just need to tweak your approach. A common issue is not being specific enough or not covering all the aspects of the issue. For tips on refining your approach to tapping, click here to read an earlier post on that topic.

2. Get expert help

We all have blindspots, issues we just can’t fathom or process on our own, so if you’ve refined your tapping, or whatever approach you use, and you still aren’t getting good results then consider getting some expert help. Sometimes we need that support, an ally to help us walk that path.

3. Try something different.

Sometimes, it can help to shake things up and just try something different, a new modality for example. I have often found that when issues are feeling stuck I may need to combine different techniques, or that one will work better than another (I discuss this further using a recent example of my own in this week’s video).

If NOTHING seems to work or shift then don’t blame yourself or get disheartened, but do get help. We can’t always go it alone, even when we know our techniques inside out.

When things feel very intense, almost overwhelming, it can be like it’s a boil or a spot that has to ‘come to a head’ in order to be fully recognised and deeply cleared. Trust that you will find exactly what you need to clear and heal the issue.

For me, when I had some old issues re-surface and trigger me recently and tapping, even with another practitioner, just didn’t shift it I knew I needed something different. My whole energy field knew I needed something different. I didn’t know what, but I opened myself to possibilities and …. I found just what I needed and it turns out to be a whole new world of possibilities (but more on that another time!).

It’s video time.

Today I share my own example of navigating my way through a recent health issue and I have a mini tapalong to help you get unstuck and open up to new possibilities. Enjoy.

Over to you

How do you get out of a rut? Let me know in the comments section below.

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Thank you.

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