Do you trust that everything will work out for you?

The Abraham-Hicks phrase “Everything is always working out for me” is a benchmark for me. How I react to saying that to myself tells me in an instant whether I’m in a trusting mode or a doubting mode.

If I’m trusting that things will work out that statement feels true and it feels good to say it to myself. It sits well and I can smile to myself and think ‘Yes, it is!’ Even if I can’t see how things will work out, if I’m open to that idea it helps me to become open to new possibilities and it puts me at ease.

Yet, if I’m not trusting in things going well and working out then I have a very different response. I’ll probably roll my eyes and sarcastically say ‘yeah, right’ to myself and think how if Abraham was in my shoes they might not be quite so cocky or optimistic. Or, I might just think uncertainly “I’m not so sure!’

At least, that’s how I caught myself feeling yesterday abut a situation I was in the middle of. I felt doubtful and uncertain. Have you ever felt that way?
It’s not nice. It’s like an internal squirmyness. That not quite knowing what to do, not quite trusting that things are going your way.

What to do when doubt squirms in?

So, it was time for some inner work (I must be my own best guinea pig by now!). As I would with any client, I reminded myself that even though it feels like it’s the outer situation that is the issue (someone else was making a choice that affected me) that really this is an inside game. How I feel is within my control and when I feel good, confident and trusting it ripples out and affects all my situations.

That really is the bottom line. If you feel powerless or not in control – or needing to control other people or situations – it can feel scary or uncomfortable and exhausting.

It’s an inside job.

It can be hard to remember that our thoughts create our reality in such situations, but they really do and that’s good news, becuase we can consciously change and improve out thoughts and our energy. Yay.

So, I tuned inside. It did feel uncomfortable that I couldn’t influence that decision. I just had to wait. Now, if I’d been trusting in things working out I would have been at ease and felt peaceful, but I didn’t feel that way.

So, I did some EFT tapping (surprise, surprise) on that squirmy feeling and discomfort and that sense of clock watching or waiting to see what happened. I started with exactly what I was feeling.

Then, once I felt more neutral I did some tapping to help me shift from doubt to trust. In this week’s video I share a tapping round for exactly that, so you too can alow yourself to trust more and pave the way for things really working out well.

Once I was able to feel better, to feel the trust that things were working out, then I was able to sit back, relax and allow everything to unfold (rather than clock watching or fretting). This morning I got information that suggests that it’s unfolding really well! It looks like my outer world is responding to my inner work already.

There may well be more innner work to do, especially if those feelings re-surface, but this type of tapping is a great starting point and I recommend you give it a go.

Tapping into trust (video)

Try it for yourself by tapping along with this video.

Over to you.

If you tried the tapping let me know how you felt before and after in the comments below.
I’d also love to hear how you shift from doubting to trusting.

As ever, please share this post with someone who could use some help trusting that things will work out for them.

Thank you.

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