Anger is just energy.
Anger is a powerful emotion and often we can be quite scared of it, especially when it rises up within us and seems out of control.
Yet, it is just a form of energy flowing and if you’ve been stuck feeling powerless or depressed, some anger can help you feel more alive. So, if you feel angry sometimes, that’s ok. It’s just your emotions telling you that something is amiss. Maybe you’re being triggered by something someone said or did, maybe something seems unfair or unjust and your response is ‘righteous anger’.
But don’t dwell in it.
However, it isn’t healthy to dwell on angry feelings, no matter how valid they may seem to you. It can be unpleasant for yourself and others, so it’s important to consciously deal with and release those angry feelings.
You might think, if you know me (and know that I recommend people to use EFT tapping to help them release all sorts of negative emotions) that tapping would also be my ‘go to’ tool for anger management. Right? Not quite.
Let me explain. I don’t mean that tapping won’t help you release angry feelings BUT when you are in a state of feeling angry, with all that angry energy coursing through you, tapping may not be the most effective way to clear it, in the moment.
If you’ve ever had the experience of tapping for anger and your tapping gets stronger and stronger as you tune into your feelings, your voice raises and suddenly you’re more thumping than tapping, then you’ll know what I mean. You can actually hurt yourself by tapping too hard (and not even notice it at the time).
Step back and try something different.
That’s the time to stop tapping and try a different approach, one that helps move that energy out of your system really fast so you don’t end up tapping dents into yourself! More on that in a minute.
Once that intensity has subsided, THEN, you can resume your tapping. Usually you’ll feel clearer headed (rather than hot headed) and you’ll be better able to see the underlying cause of your angry feelings.
Alternatively, you can take time out and return to look at the the issue with fresh eyes later on, when you’re feeling more balanced. Then you may get insights or do some emotional investigative work to find, and deal with, those underlying causes of your anger (feeling cheated, under-valued or betrayed perhaps).
So what IS the best approach to deal with that anger, in the moment?
Try this.
Watch this week’s video (a recording of a recent Periscope broadcast) to try the technique that I recommend for clearing out anger really fast.
Over to you.
Do you find it hard to deal with anger when it arises, or have you found techniques that help you manage any angry feelings that you have?
If you tried the technique in the video, let me know if it helped you.
I’d love to hear your comments below this post.
Thank you.
P.S. Feel free to share this post with anyone you know who would benefit from it, it can really help them.
Thank you for this post! I do not tap usually, but I am a healer. I have found that by focusing on the pain that resides below the anger, the red cloud dissipates easily
That is a great approach Sylvia, yes, by focusing on the pain under the agner you can het to the core of it and thus dissipate the ‘red cloud’. I love that. Thanks for sharing that with us here.
Anger is probably one of the “negative” emotions I’ve gotten The. Most. insight into through my Five Element work, it truly is meant to be powerful and helpful. It’s not usually the anger itself that causes problems, but what to do with all the energy that anger brings with it. I love the Donna Eden exercise for that, that’s a brilliant solution.
You say that you start with your hands in a fist, I see you bend forward as you pull your hands down, but do you also release the fists?
Yes, that Donna Eden exercise is great for helping to release all that excess fiery energy.
I do release the fists and spread my fingers out to release the energy, Megan, as my arms come down furthest towards the ground.
That was a great question, apologies that the video didn’t show that clearly.