Care for yourself (be self-ish)

summer snooze

Abraham, one of my favorite spiritual teachers, preaches selfishness, and I fully agree.

“People say, “Abraham, you’re teaching selfishness.” And we say, indeed we are, because if you’re not selfish enough to align with who-you-are, you’ve got nothing to give.”  2007/8/26 Sedona, AZ

I love Abraham’s teachings about selfishness and I completely ‘get it’ that if I’m not there for myself then I have nothing to give to anyone else.

Yet, I sometimes catch myself being there for others or for work and leaving leaving myself and my needs out of the equation. It doesn’t last for long, as my body and soul quickly tell me that something isn’t right. Thank goodness I remember to listen – most of the time. If I don’t, the messages only get louder. I may feel tired, feel negative emotions about my obligations or just not feel like engaging in those activities etc. I’m just not at my best.

So, I know then to slow down and take some time for myself – even if it’s in bite sized time slots. My needs for self care are varied, sometimes I just need some quietude, other times more exercise, different food, time for self healing or energy balancing or maybe time outdoors in nature or time to garden.

Nature calling me
Nature calling me

If I don’t take time for myself, soon I’m running on empty – there’s nothing left for me to give. If we use my beloved garden analogy, we need to tend to our soil. If we don’t keep the soil healthy and just keep planting without feeding the soil, we deplete the soil of nutrients and the plants will struggle and be weak.

To replenish soil we add nutrient rich compost and maybe even some herbal ‘teas’ or seaweed extract. When we do that, the soil can then easily support our crops.

So, what can you do to feed your inner soil? What will help you be at your best and align with who you truly are?

If you know – go do it. If you’re not sure, here’s a video to help you find out.




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