My 3 top tapping tips for when you don’t know what to say whilst tapping

what to say?

People regularly ask me about what to say whilst tapping. They can get so confused or embarrassed by this that it can put them off altogether, which is a shame and is easily avoidable if you follow my tips below.

For example, I worked with a lovely lady last week and she admitted to me that although she knew about tapping she didn’t use it regularly because ‘the words’ put her off. Many people worry about finding the right words to use, especially if they’ve seen others tapping and changing the phrases as they go.

In last weeks case, the lady was an energy worker, so she was easily able to tune in to her emotions, it was just that focusing on the words distracted her. For her, I recommended that she tried just tuning in to the emotions (she gave them a shape and colour) and to try tapping silently as she focused on them. She was delighted with the results and now feels that tapping is more accessible for her.

So, in this weeks video I’ll be discussing my top 3 tips for this common issue.

1. It’s all about focus

2. Keep it simple

3. Be specific

Click on the picture below to watch the video (there is a short tap along as well as advice). If you can’t see the picture, click here to watch the video.

I’d love to hear from you now. Have you been put off tapping by not knowing what to say? What might you do differently after reading this post? After watching the video, be sure to leave a comment below the blog post.

If you’re friends could benefit from these tapping tips, please share this post with them.

If you need further advice about this topic, post about it in the comments or email me directly at I’d love to hear from you.

6 Responses to My 3 top tapping tips for when you don’t know what to say whilst tapping

  1. Hi Ferris,
    As somebody who’s very new to tapping, I found this video very helpful. I’m an academic/intellectual-type person, so I always like to have my words just so. 🙂 It’s reassuring to know that I don’t necessarily have to find a local practitioner who can teach me the ‘right’ words to say– I can just use the words and phrases that feel right to me and that mirror what I’m experiencing. I appreciate the info!

    • Great feedback Dana. Yes, you’ve hit the nail on the head – it’s all about using the right words for you and what your’re experiencing. Happy tapping.

  2. Wonderful. The words always trip me up. Following the colors, shapes, vibrations has helped me to make tapping accessible to me, now it just needs to become a habit. Thank you Ferris!

    • Geneva, it’s so great to know that I’ve helped make tapping more accessible to you. It was such a pleasure to work with you. I love how you can now feel more confident about tapping whilst focusing primarily on the energy – which is a great skill to have and use. Happy tapping Geneva xx