Q.1. Do you KNOW what you want?
Most people say yes to this question. We all have hopes, dreams and goals and are launching rockets of desire about them with our thoughts every second of the day. Maybe it’s a new house, a new job, better relationships, better health, more happiness.
Other people aren’t so sure about what they want, they either try not to have too many desires, or they want all sorts of different things, so their thinking gets muddy. Generally though, people have an good idea of what they want in their life.
Is knowing enough to attract it though? Not quite.
Q.2. Are you FOCUSING on what you want?
You want it? Then start moving towards it. How? By focusing upon it, giving your energy and attention to it. Now, this can be a bit trickier than it seems. Let me explain. Even if you KNOW what you want – you think about it, talk about it, or dream about it, you may be surprised to find that you’re actually focusing on THE OPPOSITE of what you want.
I learnt this from the teachings of Abraham Hicks. Take their example of wanting more money (lots of people share THAT desire). You’re looking at a huge pile of bills. You sigh and say ‘I want more money’. So, that means you’re focused on getting more money? Wrong. You’re attention is on your bills, your debts – all those things you don’t want. You’re probably even wondering when the next bills are due.
Do you think that moves you closer to or further away from your desires and goals? Hint – ‘where attention goes, energy flows’.
How do we move forward in those situations? We don’t want to ignore reality but we also don’t want to stay stuck there either. Usually, worrying isn’t productive, so, if you can, re-focus. Keep asking yourself about what you DO want. If you’re in debt it could be financial security. If you have poor health you’ll want to feel full of health and vitality.
To me, knowing where you are focused is part of knowing what you want.
It also has the added benefit of making it easier to find solutions – you’re thinking in a way that allows that to happen, you’re more open to it.
This weeks EFT tap along video, is to help you to change your focus. If you don’t see the video below, please click here to watch it and tap along.
Take action. Pick a desire or goal of yours where you often focus on the opposite of it (as in the money example). Tap along with the video and report back in the comments section. Did you get any insights? Has your discomfort reduced? Has your focus shifted e.g. is it easier to feel good about it now?
Thanks so much for reading and watching.
Ferris, what a great tapping video. You put so much heart into your work. Thanks!
Thanks Deborah, I’m delighted that you enjoyed it – and yes, I put my heart and soul into my work and videos, it’s so lovely that you felt that. I really appreciate your sharing that comment xx
[…] couple of weeks ago I blogged about getting clear about what we want. So, what’s next? What happens once we’ve had a goal or dream for a while – how […]