A couple of weeks ago I blogged about getting clear about what we want. So, what’s next? What happens once we’ve had a goal or dream for a while – how do we keep it fresh and stay inspired to reach it?
Just like when we are gardening, whilst it’s fun to think up new ideas and planting schemes, after the initial excitement our motivation can wane – yet we are just begun. It’s like sowing seeds and then getting disappointed or fed up when they don’t instantly appear above ground. It usually takes time for dreams to grow and we need to nurture them during that process.
Here are my top tips for keeping your dreams and goals alive while they’re ‘growing’.
1. Vision boards / altars: Using a vision board (where you cut pictures and words out of magazines that represent what you want and paste them to a board that you put somewhere prominent) gives you a powerful visual reminder of your dream or goal. Similarly, creating an altar, where you place objects that represent your desire, can be a multi sensory way to stay connected with what you want – through scent, visuals, tactile and symbolic objects.
2. Tap: I recommend using EFT tapping when the doubts, frustrations, impatience or other negative thoughts creep in – and they do. If you catch yourself looking at your vision board and sighing that you haven’t ‘got there yet’, then you need to tap to clear that out (and this weeks video is just for that) and to renew your faith and trust.
3. Nurture: When you are clear of doubt, you can focus on nurturing your dream. This can be as simple as holding it with love in your mind. Whatever it takes to feed it positive energy, that’s what you do. Some like to send reiki or healing, some like to ‘feel’ the positive emotions it will elicit. Ask yourself how you can best ‘nurture’ your dream.
4. Meditate: By sitting regularly in quiet meditiation we ‘allow’ the magic to happen. In quietness we create space for answers and insights to come forth and new ideas or ways forward may become apparent (sometimes the best combinations in my garden are those nature has designed, rather than those I have planned out, so it pays to step back sometimes and leave space for something even better that what you have planned).
5. Inspired action: Action is important – I don’t recommend just sitting back and waiting for the Universe to ‘sort it out’. We need to have our eyes and ears open for opportunities and to take action whenever we can. Before you act, check how you feel. If we act out of fear (to move away from something unwanted) we can close off from our inspiration and make poor choices (so tap if you feel fearful or negative about about to take action). Reversely, by remembering why we want what we want, we are then more likely to take inspired action, that moves us towards our goal.
This weeks tap-along video is to help you keep those dreams alive. Click here to watch it if you don’t see the picture below.
Tap along and post your results below this blog post. Also, I’d love to know about your favorite ways to keep on track with your dreams and goals. What tools or methods work best for you?
Wow Ferris, a great blog post and tapping video this week. I think this is a particularly helpful video for this point in B-School. It came just at the right time. Thank you so much.
Thanks Deborah, I thought it would be useful and I’m really glad you’ve found it helpful. Yes, when we’re a couple of months into a new project, like at B-School, we can need a bit of a tapping boost to stay on track. Many thanks, Ferris.
Hi Ferris! I just wanted to say that I have been following you since week 1 of BSchool, and I absolutely adore your posts and tap-along videos. I am really new to tapping, but not new to any of the issues that you’ve created tapping videos for. 🙂 Thank you for being a shining light and helping to guide me through my experiences in the most peaceful and loving way possible. I truly appreciate it! –Dana
Hi Dana, so good to hear that you’ve been following along with the posts and tap-alongs. I just love sharing what works for me and trusting that it’s helpful to others also – so it’s lovely to see your comment, to feel your appreciation and to know that I’m helping shine a light for you. I’m all for us finding the gentlest and most peaceful ways forward 🙂
Hi Ferris,
Seems I came to the right place at the right time. Loved your message this week, it was what I needed. I like your idea of a vision board, I never have got around to doing one of those, probably worthwhile to see a big picture.I started to meditate with Deepak’s 21 day challenge, trying to do that every day… B-School is all about action! I suppose I needed to tap along with you about my goal. I have only dabbled a few times. Awesome putting out a video! You rock! Thank you.
Hi Trezlie, so glad that this weeks message resonated with you. Vision boards are great fun, well worth playing with to help us focus. Deepak’s meditations are great – how are you getting on with them? Are you feeling the benefit already?
Yes, B-School is so action orientated, the tapping can help us get into a positive mindset, so we can easily take the best action. I hope you’re enjoying the tapping. If the goal still feels challenging, just tap on that – on whatever you’re feeling about it. (You can’t so it wrong – so happy dabbling)