Sometimes things can seem out of your control, right? Maybe it’s something in your day to day life, such as the result of applying for a new job that you really want or maybe it’s a partner or friend breaking up with you suddenly. It could also be global issues, such as terrorism or poverty.
Whatever the source, it can be very uncomfortable for us when we feel that we’re not able to influence a situation that’s important to us and it can bring up a lot of negative emotions.
Do you react or respond?
How you think and act in the face of such uncertainty makes a big difference, not only to the outcome, but to how you live your life. The good news here is that we always have choice, even thought sometimes it doesn’t seem that way.
We always get to choose whether we react or respond. When a situation makes us uncomfortable, it can be easy to react, to let fear or anger come up and influence our actions and choices. When instead we recognise and deal with those emotional reactions (and I’ll show one way to do this later on) we can then respond from a deeper place of consideration and awareness. It’s also easier to apply positive mindset techniques, such as visualisation, and to tune into our intuition once we have cleared any initial reactions.
I must also note here that it’s not always about action, as the Serenity Prayer reminds me.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
Sometimes there may not be anything to DO, it’s more about how you ‘are’ about it, for example whether you go into resistance to it, or whether you make peace with the fact that it’s happened or is happening (this isn’t the same as condoning it). If it’s a situation you don’t like or agree with, do you use up a lot of your energy carrying around the burden of it, the unfairness of it? That can be a huge stress and energy drain, and it’s rare that such feelings lead to positive and helpful action, instead they tend to wear us down.
Lets clear that burden of stress.
Today’s video walks us through some EFT tapping to help us deal with the emotions that can come up when things feel out of our control, emotions such as fear, anger, powerlessness and worry. To tap along with me and clear out those intense emotions, click here or on the image below.
Over to you
Let me know, in the comments section below, how do you deal with seemingly out of control situations in your life?
Also, if you did the tapping, did it help you find emotional relief?
As ever, please share this post and video with those who will benefit from it.
Thank you.
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