How EFT tapping can boost your confidence.


Today I’m talking about confidence, self confidence to be precise, as I don’t think I know of anyone who doesn’t want to be more confident in at least one area of their life.

What is confidence anyway?

To me it’s a state of mind, one where you trust yourself, know you can succeed and can do a good job. Here’s what the peeps at Merriam-Webster had to say.

what is confidence
more confidence

Don’t you just love their full definition of confidence?  Can you feel into the thrill of being conscious of your power to succeed? Of course, confident people don’t always succeed, yet, even when they have a set back, a confident person isn’t afraid to try again.

Some people seem to be born with confidence, whilst others have to develop it for themselves, like a muscle. Here are my top tips for raising your confidence levels, using my favourite tool, EFT tapping.


Confidence is a choice.

Confidence really is an inner game. You get to choose confidence, as an energy, as a feeling. If you wait around for good things to happen to you to show you that you ‘good enough’, you’re doing it the wrong way around. You choose it first then you go build that muscle, even if you have to ‘fake it ’till you make it’.

The easiest way that I know to build that muscle is through EFT tapping (and I have a video showing you how to do just that, using Positive EFT in my free video series). You can also use your imagination and tune into what it feels like to be a confident person.


The past is over, don’t let it spoil your present.

Often what knocks our confidence is past ‘failure’.
Lets take an example of asking someone out for a date. If you’ve experienced past rejection ( e.g. someone who brushed you off unkindly in front of their friends), then you might feel ‘once bitten, twice shy’. In the future you may then be hesitant to put yourself in the position of being rejected again or you may assume that there was something ‘wrong with you’ and people don’t want to date you.
EFT tapping is the best tool I know to clear the effect of those past experiences. Even by just remembering the event and tapping through the points you can reduce the emotional impact of a memory (with memories that trigger extreme responses it’s best to tap with a qualified practitioner, such as myself).


You can create your confident future now.

I’m a great fan of pre-paving, of rehearsing success in advance. Start step into the mindset and feelings of what you want right now.  So, if you have a situation coming up where you’d love to be more confident, start to imagine it going well, start to feel that confidence welling up inside. Build those muscles up right away. If it helps, you can remember past successes and draw upon that energy, as you build your trust that the future will turn out well.

Below, is a round of EFT tapping to help you start to strengthen those confidence muscles, aiding you to let go of the past and to choose confidence now. Click here or on the image below to watch it and please do tap along.


Video: EFT confidence boost tap-along

Over to you.

Let me know in the comments below if tapping along helped you feel more confident, or tell me you’re favourite confidence boosting tip.

I have a feeling I’ll dive deeper into this topic in the future. I may create a short online course, walking people through the steps of letting go of their past and stepping into their confident future. If you’d like to stay tuned about that, then jump on my mailing list by signing up for those wonderful free positive eft videos.

As ever, please share this post so more people can step into greater levels of confidence.

Thank you.

4 Responses to How EFT tapping can boost your confidence.

  1. “Then tap along with me!” Cute! I love EFT and hope for the day when it is socially acceptable to do it at your desk at work 🙂

    • Thanks Erin. I cross my fingers for that day to come really soon. In the meantime, people can always use the finger points subtly at their desks and nobody need even know that they’re tapping 🙂

  2. Wonderful post, Ferris! I enjoyed tapping along. You have the perfect voice for EFT! Yes, I DID feel more confident after tapping. Thank you for the great post and video demonstration!!