What’s in my pie?

The Abraham-Hicks pie analogy came to my rescue this week. If you don’t know it, here’s the premise. The universe is a well stocked kitchen. You get to choose from that well stocked kitchen what you want to put in your pie (your life). You pick the ingredients you want  and put them in your pie.

Yet, I’ve just caught myself in the classic ‘I don’t want that in my pie’ scenario. It’s like saying, ‘see this ingredient in the kitchen, I don’t want it here, I don’t like it, take it away, take it out of the kitchen’. This is dangerous talk because by focusing on any unwanted ingredient for long enough – you put it in your pie! You don’t have to want it there, it’s your focus that brings it.

So, I had to laugh when I found myself repeatedly focusing on a potential scenario that I didn’t want. It hasn’t happened but if I keep wondering about it and dare I admit – worring about it, I’m much more likely to attract it, or something similar to it, into my experience.

On my morning walk a couple of days ago, this scenario popped into my head again. I knew that I didn’t want to be focusing on it, but it was a challenge to avert my thoughts – like when people seem unable to pass a car crash without looking.

Then, the pie analogy came  into my mind. I could see myself in my universal kitchen just staring at this unwanted ingredient. I laughed out loud and asked myself  ‘Well, what DO I want in my pie?’ I started simply, with how I wanted to feel and promptly put a healthy dose of relaxation, ease and fun into the pie. That helped me to relax and to imagine preferred scenarios. So, my pie is cooking up a treat now and is brimming with wanted ingredients.

Best of all, if I catch myself reverting my focus to the unwanted, I just smile and ask myself ‘Well Ferris, what DO you want in your pie?’

Pie Image courtesy of fotosearch
(c) faithie / www.fotosearch.com Stock Photography

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