Letting Life Be Easy

‘Life is supposed to be easy for you’.

The above is one of my favourite Abraham-Hicks quotes and I really resonate with it. I always smile when I read or hear it and I understand that ease and well-being are my natural states, anything else just means I’ve muddied my own waters. I must confess, however, that sometimes I can muddy my waters quite well.

You see, I have a lot of determination and willpower and I like to make to make things happen. Mostly, that isn’t a bad thing, as mainly my action is inspired, but sometimes I find that I’m just trying too hard.

As Abraham says, when you try really hard it’s like paddling upstream, it’s hard work and doesn’t get you very far. Yet, when you turn downstream and go with the natural flow, then life gets easy.

So, this year I’ve decided to let life be easy – really easy.

Whatever my goals or desires, I’m ready for them to manifest easily, with minimal effort, in ways that are fun and enjoyable for me.

So, what does that mean, in practical terms?

Well, it doesn’t mean I’ll chill in a hammock all year (although it could be a temptation, or would be if I owned a hammock) or that I’ll have no commitments, targets or responsibilities – I’m just going to ensure that I let go of any sneaky stress and worry and enjoy whatever I’m doing.

It also means that I’m ready to let go of any old beliefs about having to work ‘hard’ and instead relax into ease and success.

I know that I’m most productive when I’m in a state of ease and relaxation and I achieve much more that way, like when athletes are in ‘the zone’. Yet, it’s actually a challenge to let go of the ‘work hard’ ethic and my perception that people like to see others trying hard. It feels odd to give that up.

That’s ok. It can feel strange, even uncomfortable, to challenge old beliefs and make changes. Even writing about it brings up some nervousness about letting go of old conditioning (that you must work hard to be respected or to succeed). It doesn’t mean I’ll let it stop me though. I’ll be tapping out any such concerns that come up and I’ll be working smart and working easy, rather than working hard.

Don’t let anything stop you either.

If there is something you want to change, a habit or intention that you want to embrace, don’t let anything stop you. Focus on what you want, how good it will feel to get it or be it and weed out any doubts or worries about it…

… and let it be easy.

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