How I went from grumpy taskmaster to happy celebrator.
The other day I noticed myself acting out an old, yet familliar pattern that didn’t serve me. I was so busy looking to complete a task that I wasn’t taking time to celebrate the progress I’d already made. Yes, I like the satisfaction of completing tasks and reaching goals, but, I also like to enjoy the journey … and on this day I wasn’t letting myself do that.
On the day in question, I was in my vegetable garden weeding. I’d already done a lot, but all I could see was ALL the weeding yet to be done – all the grass, dandelions and creeping buttercups that were growing where my lovely vegetables needed to be planted. I started to feel deflated and the job seemed never ending. Then I started to feel bad that I hadn’t done more earlier in the year. That’s when I knew it was time to step away and change my attitude and perspective!
So, I turned to my favourite tool of EFT tapping to clear out those feelings of being deflated and fed up. I let myself acknowledge what I was feeling and then I just let those feelings go as I tapped. The relief was palpable and so was my change in perception.
Before the tapping I ‘knew’ I had done a lot already but I just couldn’t appreciate it fully, it didn’t seem to matter as I was so caught up in noticing all that I still had to do. After the tapping I went back out into the garden and things looked completely different. I could notice and appreciate all the beds I’d already cleared and mulched that were ready for planting. I noticed the aquilegias in bloom, the strawberries and blueberries in flower, the bumblebees appreciating them and the potatoes that were coming up through the straw. I sat and appreciated the birdsong and as I looked at the work left to do, it just didn’t seem like such a big deal. It all felt VERY different and I was much more relaxed about it.
I had only been tapping for about 20 minutes, but it was enough to change my perspective, to help me appreciate all that I HAD done and allowed me to enjoy the moment of just being in the garden.
Where in your life do YOU forget to celebrate?
I know I’m not the only one. I often catch clients and friends beating up on themselves by saying they haven’t got enough done – but when I ask them to really check and remember, it turns out that they’ve done way more than they thought, they’d just moved on to the next task without a second thought or focused on all they had left to do. They’d forgotten their little wins by not noticing them or brushing them off – and that is dangerous. When we negate those little things, we’re not fueling ourselves for the rest of the journey and we can get disheartened.
What can you celebrate right now?
So, look back on your day or your week and find things to celebrate. Things that had slipped your radar before. Do it now. Get a pen and paper and start to write a nice big list of things you have achieved or done, good things that have happened to you, things that have made you smile. You might be surprised at just how much IS going well in your life. If you already celebrate a lot – dig deep, I know you can find even more things.
If you want to build that celebratory energy even higher, try doing some EFT tapping. You can tap along with this video I made which demonstrates how to strengthen our intention to celebrate MORE using the tapping. To watch the video click here or on the image below. Enjoy.
Now. lets hear from you. What new things have you chosen to celebrate (big or small)? Also, I’m curious to know how you’ll celebrate them? Will it be with a simple appreciative thought, a raised glass, by dancing around the room or journaling about them)? Leave me a note in the comments and let me know.
Also, feel free to pass this post on to those who will benefit from it.
Thank you.
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