Author Archives: Ferris

Do this to improve your self care.

Do this to improve your self care.

I believe that a good self care practice is fundamental to beating stress and living well.

It’s vital to take time for you, to relax, recharge, to rest or do activities that nurture you.

There are many ways to practice self care and everyone has different needs.
For some people, it nurtures them to go out and socialise, for others they feel renewed after spending time in nature.
Even for the same person, their needs can vary depending on circumstances.

I know I’ve had times where I needed solitude and quiet to feel balanced and right now it’s connection and socialising that is keeping my energy flowing well and feeding my soul.

There are also many levels of self care, from small activities to major lifestyle changes, and I might speak more about that in another post.

Today, the message that I want to share is about how to get the most out of your self care practice, whatever it is, and I suggest one element to include that will make a huge difference, especially to help you through tough or stressful times.

Just click here or on the image below to watch the video now.

Then let me know in the comments below what your favourite self care practice is, or what you could do on a consistent basis to nurture yourself.

If you’d like to get your hands on the free guide I spoke about, which contains 3 great self care exercises, click here


P.S. If you want to find out how I can personally help you become more resilient to stress and create a self care strategy that revitalises and rebalances you click this link to book a free consultation with me

How do you respond to stress?

How do you respond to stress?

Over the past few years I’ve worked with more and more clients who are struggling to deal with chronic stress and anxiety. Ongoing stress wreaks havoc with our mind and body, stops us from coping well mentally and emotionally and can lead to physical illness if not dealt with properly. It has many triggers, from… Continue Reading

Is your life in balance?

A desire for balance. A desire for balance has always been at the heart of my life and business. Whilst I adore connecting with clients and actively sharing my work with the world I also relish the quiet times in my day and life, such as having cuddles with my pets and tending to my… Continue Reading

Quiet your mind (with EFT tapping)

Do you have a monkey mind? Is your mind is full of constant chatter and often unsettled or overwhelmed? The buddha called this the monkey mind.It’s like having a troupe of clamouring monkeys (thoughts and emotions), all demanding attention at once. The buddha suggested using meditation to quiet our monkey mind. How I tame those monkeys.… Continue Reading

Can you be a happy loser?

This is the question I’ve been asking myself all week …  can I be a happy loser? I know I’m pretty good at being a happy winner. I can easily do a happy dance and celebrate with the best of them, but what about when things aren’t so rosy? What then? I have to admit… Continue Reading

Plans can change, can you?

It’s almost September, back to school time for many and certainly a time when many of us start new projects and set new goals and targets (or rush to complete the goals we’ve set for the year). I love to make plans. In the past I would start with great enthusiasm, but if things didn’t… Continue Reading