

I’ve had lots to do this week. I’d prioritized and I knew how useful my actions were, but I still ended up feeling a bit overwhelmed. At times the deadline seemed to loom and I could feel my stress levels rise.

I knew that although I couldn’t change my deadline or workload, I could change my energy and mindset around it.

When I felt stressed, I called on my favorite tool, EFT, and I got tapping. I could have sat quietly and meditated or remembered the positive reasons for doing the work, or even appreciated how far I’d come already. Yet, when things feel intense, I start with the tapping.

After a few minutes, I felt my mind grow clearer, my body feel less tense and that stress started to slip away. THEN it was easier to put things in perspective, be positive, remember to go ‘bite sized’ and re-focus.

When we’re in the middle of stress, it’s hard to see the big picture, to remember to relax or support ourselves. That’s why tapping is my initial tool of choice when stress arises.

There may be underlying issues to address with consistent cases of stress and overwhelm, but some ‘first aid’ tapping will give you a clearer head, reduce those cortisol levels and have you feeling on an even keel again. Then, it’s easier to see the patterns and address any negative beliefs that could be perpetuating your stress.

Here’s a tapping video to help you release stress or overwhelm. Enjoy.


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