Author Archives: Ferris

Dealing with disappointment

The perils of being disappointed. The last time I felt disappointed was this morning. I felt that sinking feeling I get when I’ve decided that something hasn’t worked out / didn’t go as I’d have liked. Do you know it?  When your energy dips and you sink into a pool of unhelpful emotions such as self judgement… Continue Reading

How EFT tapping can boost your confidence.

Today I’m talking about confidence, self confidence to be precise, as I don’t think I know of anyone who doesn’t want to be more confident in at least one area of their life. What is confidence anyway? To me it’s a state of mind, one where you trust yourself, know you can succeed and can do… Continue Reading

3 no-nos if you’re feeling run down.

So, you’re feeling a bit tired or run down, yes? It happens to us all, even me. Yes, I was feeling a little tired and run down this morning. Having realized this, I reached for my best energy and mindset techniques to help me out of it, but not before I’d nearly sabotaged myself with these… Continue Reading

How to cope when things seem out of control.

Sometimes things can seem out of your control, right? Maybe it’s something in your day to day life, such as the result of applying for a new job that you really want or maybe it’s a partner or friend breaking up with you suddenly. It could also be global issues, such as terrorism or poverty. Whatever the source,… Continue Reading

Would you like to let go of impatience?

Have you ever found yourself desperate for something to have happen faster or to manifest instantly? Whether it’s a small thing, like being impatient waiting in a queue, or it’s more of a feeling of wanting a new idea to instantly manifest in front of your eyes (I have to put my hand up to… Continue Reading

What do you do when the sh*t hits the fan?

You know those times when things suddenly seem to explode into uncontrollable crazyness? Wouldn’t you like to be able to take it all in your stride, no matter how insane the goings on? Is that even possible? Well, I’ve just had a chance to give it a try, after weathering my own sh*t storm and I’m relieved… Continue Reading

How to stop self judgement.

How to stop self judgement.

I like to think that I’m pretty good at being kind and caring to myself and in many ways I am. Yet, there is a way that I am horribly unkind to myself … and I’m sure I’m not the only one. It’s self judgement. I can automatically say and think unkind things to myself… Continue Reading

Tapping into the Power of Questions

I’ve been experimenting lately with combining questions with tapping. In the past I did this to a degree, for example in this video where I use positive ‘what if’ tapping, but right now I am having a brand new love affair with questions, sparked by all the the Access Consciousness questions I’ve been using lately and… Continue Reading